Finding Your Powerful Flow

Water meets rock...rock moves

Rock provides boundaries and changes water's direction. Water flows over rock and slowly changes the rock's form, wearing it away so that water flows through.


Form and Flow. Resistance and Movement.

It looks peaceful from a distance, but it's an ongoing process of exposure. What is exposed is beautiful, raw and honest.

My own process of change can feel this way, and maybe yours, too?


This exposed cliff at the edge of water and earth, these sharp looking rocks, bring to mind the obstacles in our bodies and also in our lives. What do you know from Alexander Technique that you can bring to the process of change?

How does AT support us in antiracism and taking a constructive part in social justice ? Can we use our water-like power of flow? My hope is that if we are willing to first face systemic racism (boulder-like), we may move it with our full power(water-like), and with consistency, turn it to pebbles and one day to sand.

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

― James Baldwin