Having Feelings? RAIN is our resource.
You may already know that in mindfulness practice, there is an acronym RAIN that is a very useful guide for meditation (see Tara Brach). Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture (or Non-attachment to a narrow identity). It’s very handy for actors or anyone who is dealing with feelings. I’m thinking of feelings that are really difficult and distracting for creative and expressive people. Those urgent feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism that seem to step into the front of our attention and play a part in squelching our access to a wider palette of emotional expression.
I find the Alexander based process to have a unique synchronicity with this mindfulness tool. We orient ourselves by noticing what is present around us and within ourselves. We recognize what is happening, what we are feeling. Shifting our attention to the here and now helps us to notice our options.
Just like there are triggers that set off a set of emotions, there are useful cues for shifting our attention and bringing us into a more receptive state for understanding our feelings —and updating our emotional responses. In an article for Backstage from a few years ago, I described a technique that I call “note and name” or “the name game”. It’s simply taking a few minutes to see what is in the space – noticing each thing and saying what it is (chair, window, etc). This kind of attention to the objects around you can help your brain orient you while giving you a simple doable task. Accomplishing simple tasks is surprisingly rewarding and relaxing. The 54321 grounding is an extended method of this kind of approach to steadying our nervous system. Some brilliant work has been published and taught in this realm by Resmah Menakem, Staci Haines and Peter Levine and many others who address trauma recovery and social justice. I have learned to use and respect these kinds of resources –meaningful ways to set up the inner conditions needed to be able to learn, explore and grow.
Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture (or Non-attachment to a narrow identity).
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash